Eli Brandwein is an author and illustrator based in Los Angeles. Eli writes and illustrates in a variety of styles that tend to skew towards the absurd, surreal, or sarcastic humor. “Urinal Diaries” is a currently ongoing zine anthology series that loosely sticks to the theme of bathroom humor.
Other work has focused on experimenting wth the intersection of comics and other mediums, such as film and music. He has recorded soundtracks for many of his comics, from short single-song zines to the full album that soundtracks the story “Lot.” His longest comic to date, “Original Content” is a comic written as if it was a movie — illustrated in a series of storyboard panels, it tells a surreal narrative that comments on the current state of comic-to-film adaptations that dominate the industry.
Eli records music under the pseudonym grininning and catalogues his obsessive listening habits via weekly playlists with illustrated art to accompany each playlist. Follow along on instagram!